Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion; *SPOILERS*

December 21st, 2017 2:55 AM CST

ShftMksa Novice
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We just saw the movie and have a lot of thoughts, we need more opinions on this new addition to the Star Wars franchise...
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December 23rd, 2017 10:14 AM CST

Famos801 Novice
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Though it was no Rouge One, I thoroughly enjoyed The Last Jedi. After seeing it twice I still felt the same way. It was a fresh take on Star Wars with some nice throwbacks to the Orig Trig. I was hoping for a little more from Luke, but I understand the direction they went. His battle scene was cool, but I was hoping to see him fuck some shit up like Vader at the end of Rouge One!

I honestly think they could've cut out the whole Fin story line and saved 30 mins of time, but that's just me haha. I really enjoyed Poe Dameron, Kylo was cool, the Porgs didn't annoy me like I thought they would, but of course YODA!! YO- YODA!! hMMM

It was definitely not my favorite in the series, but it's up there higher then the prequels.

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December 27th, 2017 11:21 PM CST

ShftMksa Novice
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I agree, the fight with Luke and Kylo was sick and everything with Rey was great. And Fin was such a useless sack of potatoes in this movie. The whole casino thing was boring and felt like it was from a different movie. It sorta made the whole movie drag, as well as the whole Poe/Mutiny bit. Like why the hell didn't the woman explain her plan, and saved all that time and bullshit.

LOL Yoda was amazing, I was so excited when he showed up. It makes Luke's death(?) scene a little less sad, since he can come back as a smart ass ghost anyways.

I agree it wasn't the worst, but it was a let down compared to the last two we've seen.
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March 21st, 2018 3:17 AM CDT

Latdogg Moderator
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I kind of enjoyed the movie, however, the Finn plot line was a total snoozer and I hated everything about it. I also was disappointed with the role they had Luke play. He was a powerful Jedi who in the original trilogy went against adversity and took down the Empire. Ben Solo lost his shit and then Luke immediately gives up and goes off the grid. Stupid. They also made Snoke die super easy. What was his role even about? I have zero clue what they will even do with Episode IX.

April 28th, 2018 3:39 AM CDT

blustrkr Creator
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I'm gonna have to add onto the others' here and say I didn't like the Finn stuff. Wasn't a fan in The Force Awakens either. I was so excited when he was about to die near the end of the movie, then fucking Rose has to save his life. Ugh!

Was pretty disappointed Luke didn't play more of a role in the movie. As Latdogg mentioned, this is one badass MOFO. He took down Darth Vader! I would have loved to see him training Rey some more, and to hear some more dialogue from Mark Hamill. He barely even talks, it feels like.

There were also some "artful" scenes where I didn't quite understand how they added to the story...for example, when Rey is in that mirror-like cavern under Luke's hideout. I didn't quite get that whole thing.

Overall though, it is still Star Wars and thus I enjoyed the hell out of it. Anytime sci-fi makes it into the spotlight I'm a happy camper, and of course Star Wars is a legendary series.

Would love to hear some more thoughts. I'm thinking I need to revisit all of the Star Wars movies and refresh my take.
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