Upcoming games

April 19th, 2018 3:25 AM CDT

blustrkr Creator
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Posts: 288
Location: United States
So, I must ask. With E3 yet again approaching in June, what games are everyone looking forward to? Plus, time is always moving so fast and the holiday season (and a sleuth of new titles) is fast approaching.

Anything in particular you're hoping for Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, or your favorite developer to announce?

Personally, I'd really love to see something official on Cyberpunk 2077 (rumored sci-fi futuristic game from the developers of the Witcher). As an Xbox owner, I am also obviously excited to see if Microsoft announces any updates to the console or how they are intertwining PC players and Xbox players, for example with the Xbox Play Anywhere games. I have now enjoyed many a cross-platform match with HeyItMeSam on Gears 4 and it's really awesome. Definitely something I'd like to see more of.

For the most part though, it does seem like Microsoft kind of needs to step up their game with first party titles. They just really aren't putting out that many titles. The Xbox One now has a much larger library than before, but it's still not comparable to the 360 library.

Please, let me know your thoughts!


May 20th, 2018 3:12 AM CDT

ShftMksa Novice
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I'm with you on Cyberpunk 2077. From what you showed me a while back, it looks amazing!
Don't forget your lucky cat!

July 2nd, 2018 12:03 AM CDT

Latdogg Moderator
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Location: Massachusetts
I am anxiously awaiting Fallout 76. I made sure to pre-order so that I can get in on the beta. I also am SUPER excited that they announced The Elder Scrolls VI. My brain cannot even fathom how awesome it will be on the One X!
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