Han Solo

April 19th, 2018 3:27 AM CDT

blustrkr Creator
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So, is anyone excited for this? From the limited amount I've seen from the trailers, it has me slightly worried but perhaps if I go in with low expectations it will still be very enjoyable. After all, it is still in the Star Wars universe. I just don't think it will be quite on the same level as Rogue One. That movie is still a shining example of good Star Wars to me.


May 20th, 2018 3:07 AM CDT

ShftMksa Novice
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Honestly, the only thing that excites me about the movie is the fact that Donald Glover is in it. I haven't seen too many trailers, so I can't give a real opinion on it...

I can't help but think that my excitement over the whole series was sort of pooped on after Last Jedi. I didn't hate it, but it didn't get me pumped for the next movie either. I remember leaving The Force Awakens thinking it was amazeballs. Rogue One was fantastic, if not the slightest bit depressing lol, and then it was followed by a big fucking let down. Idk if that's why or if I'm just losing my interest in movies in general, but I'm not all that interested in seeing it.
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May 20th, 2018 3:54 AM CDT

Latdogg Moderator
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I will be seeing it this week and am stoked about it! It takes place in between Episodes III and IV. I hope there are some good references or maybe even a cameo like when Leah was in Rogue One.
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