What's been happenin'?

It's been quite a while since I've made any official updates on the homepage, but do not be fooled. Those of you who have been checking in have surely been seeing a lot of progress being made. I'm quite happy with how everything is going and basically all of the features I originally wanted on this website are here, in some form or another. Feels good man!

As always, I want to thank those of you who have been visiting. Your support helps out a lot with the whole motivation thing, and it seems like it's been working pretty well lately.

So far, over the past few months we've seen:

- A completely overhauled Messaging system
- The addition of image uploads to the game index (.jpg, .gif, .png)
- An overall tightening and polishing of many game index features
- A basic implementation of Traits (will be important later)
- A basic version of Notifications (will be very important for Events)
- The game index surpassed 1000 items
- And too many other details that I'm forgetting to list here

Next in the update pipeline are the following:

- Events
- Linked Profiles (Xbox Live, PSN, Nintendo Switch Online, etc.)
- Polls on the homepage (Random byte1ife and gaming related questions)
- byte1ife Cards (More on this later..)
- Expanded and polished Karma/Kudos system

It is important to note that work is already very well underway on all of the aforementioned features. I really hope you guys like what you are seeing so far, and I look forward to delivering tons more updates in the next few weeks. Also, I pledge to update the changelog soon so that you can all keep track (if interested, of course) of any changes made to the website. I know Mitchinator1 and I share a taste for changelogs, haha.

Once we get Events going, I am hoping activity will start picking up on the website quite a bit. I have a few ideas on how to help this happen and will elaborate on this in a near future post.

Please, sound off in the comments below or the forums! I've been trying to post a new topic and reply every now and then. Come join me!

Thanks again!

Comments (3 total)

Mitchinator16 years ago
Always a fan of changelogs, haha. Quite a bit of improvements over the last bit, I gotta say!
blustrkr6 years ago
Yeah there's countless changes that I couldn't list at the time haha. I am definitely working on a more detailed changelog.
Zaynebrain115 years ago
Keep up the good work love the change to the home screen app icon

