Star Wars: The Force Unleashed IIGame

Starkiller returns with over-the-top Force powers and embarks on a journey to discover his own identity and to reunite with his one true love, Juno Eclipse. In Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, Starkiller is once again the pawn of Darth Vader — but instead of training his protégée as a ruthless assassin, the dark lord is attempting to clone his former apprentice in an attempt to create the Ultimate Sith warrior. The chase is on — Starkiller is in pursuit of Juno and Darth Vader is hunting for Starkiller.

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seriesStar Wars
composerMark Griskey engineRonin
release date NAOctober 26th, 2010
EUOctober 29th, 2010
T for Teen

added byblustrkr
January 10th, 2018

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