Gaming Servers

April 28th, 2018 4:40 AM CDT

blustrkr Creator
blustrkr's Avatar
Posts: 288
Location: United States
So guys, I've been thinking about renting some additional server capacity for gaming servers for a long time now, and I'd love to know your suggestions about which games would be great candidates.

Keep in mind it would obviously be a lot better if more of us own the games in question so that we could all play together as a community. If you'd like, you can even utilize this lovely game index we happen to already have here and check how many owners the game in question has so far. Obviously, more members will help with this quite a bit, but I believe that the servers will also help feed the website with some more traffic. And of course playing and communicating with people on the servers will naturally attract people to the website as well.

The obvious ones (to me at least) are:

- Battlefield 4, Hardline, or 1
- Minecraft
- ARMA 3
- Counter Strike: GO
- ARK: Survival Evolved

Please let me know your suggestions! It's not something I will be getting started up this week necessarily, but as I said I have had it in my plans for quite some time now.
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Consider creating a free account. We love video games and are always looking for more points of view in our discussions!

You can also find other people to play your game library with and join them in Events, and of course create your own!