Battlefield 2042Game

Takes place in 2042 in a world where most of the population is not affiliated with any nation and is fighting over the last resources available. Features 128 player matches (scales down to 64 on older consoles). Levolution returns with tornadoes that ravage maps, huge dust storms, and more, but no campaign or co-op is present.

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Official byte1ife ClanClosed to new members

As we have done in the past for most other Battlefield games, we planned to be opening an official Battlefield 2042 clan! Unfortunately, there is no clan functionality within BF2042 at this time.

Once we have more details (such as whether clan integration will ever exist, whether previous clans will transfer right over to BF2042 via Battlelog, etc.), we will update this box! Stay tuned!

To find or join this Clan, search in-game for
added byblustrkr
April 30th, 2020

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