
Transports you to the mysterious island of Blackreef, where an eternal struggle between two extraordinary assassins will determine the island’s future. As Colt, you must find a way to put an end to the timeloop trapping the island in an endless cycle, all while being hunted by the island’s inhabitants. Using your powerful weapons and abilities, you’ll need to take out 8 key targets across the stunning, yet chaotic, island before the day resets in order break the loop once and for all. But lurking in the shadows is rival assassin Julianna whose sole mission is to take Colt out and keep the loop going. Learn from each cycle, try new paths and approaches, and break the loop.
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release date NASeptember 14th, 2021
user score9/10
M for Mature

added byblustrkr
June 13th, 2020

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