Chocobo GPGame

A kart racing game similar to the Mario Kart series. The player choses a character from the Final Fantasy series of video games and directs them through a race track in efforts to finish before the other racers. Players can perform power-slide drifts to help make tight turns and get extra speed boosts. Items called "magicite" can be collected by driving a character into "Magic Eggs", and can be used to either help the player's character, or hinder other racers. Individual characters also have specific abilities, and vehicles can be customized by the player. Multiple game modes can be chosen to play, including a "story mode", custom races, and online races. The online races include a 64 player elimination tournament mode as well.
Available on Nintendo Switch Create a free account or login to add this game to your collection.

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release date NAMarch 9th, 2022
Everyone 10+

added byLatdogg
September 24th, 2021