Fallout New Vegas: Honest HeartsDLC for Fallout: New Vegas

Navigate the highs and lows of the steep canyon walls, caves, riverbeds, waterfalls and explore the lush landscapes and rugged terrain in beautiful and sprawling Zion Canyon. From the deadly Yao Guai and exotically lethal Greek Geckos to new hostile tribals, Zion Canyon is as dangerous as it is beautiful. Survive the wild with Tribal Wisdom or exact increased damage with Eye for Eye. Honest Hearts offers a host of new perks and weapons including the .45 Auto Pistol, .45 Auto Submachine Gun, the Compliance Regular, Fire Bombs, War Clubs, and Yao Guai Gauntlets.
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release date NAMay 17th, 2011
M for Mature
added byblustrkr
May 22nd, 2022