Fallout New Vegas: Old World BluesDLC for Fallout: New Vegas

Explore the expanse of the ‘Big Empty’ and its huge variety of research centers, arboretums, canyons, and scientific labs. Even better, find and upgrade your own home base, the Sink, within the Big Empty's central dome! Confront the surgically-altered Lobotomites, bizarre robot scorpions, the dead occupants of the Y-17 Trauma Harnesses as well as the terrifying disembodied brain, Dr. Mobius. Look out for other strange and terrifying creations of the Think Tank! Old World Blues increases the level cap by 5 and introduces a range of new weapons including the Sonic Emitter, K9000 Cyberdog Gun, Proton Axe, and several varieties of Mad Scientist Gloves such as the Sterilizer Glove and Corrosive Fist. You’ll also find new armors such as the Sneak Suit and Mad Scientist Scrubs to make your life in the Mojave easier. Look out for implants that can switch your body parts in and out for new effects and defenses to aid you in the Big Empty and the Mojave wasteland!
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release date NAJuly 19th, 2011
M for Mature
added byblustrkr
May 22nd, 2022