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Guides & Tips for Halo: Reach

Tons of cosmetic multiplayer items can be unlocked and equipped by simply leveling up, or completing certain challenges. This is the most customizable Bungie-made Halo game, for sure!

Character Builds     submitted by blustrkr 1 year ago

This rendition of Halo introduces weapon bloom, which means if you fire quickly your target reticle will expand and your gun will lose some accuracy. You will notice the difference especially when firing targets at range. It is better to learn the pacing of each gun for optimal accuracy/fire rate balance.

General Gameplay     submitted by blustrkr 2 years ago

As with many First Person Shooter games, it is definitely recommend you go for headshots wherever possible - whether playing single player or multiplayer. This will of course result in you dealing more damage more quickly, which means your enemies will die more quickly. This will probably result in you staying alive for much longer.

General Gameplay     submitted by blustrkr 2 years ago
added byblustrkr
February 25th, 2012