blustrkr's Tom Clancy's The Division 2 Review Xbox One, 50-100 hours played

Definitely a good game, but not great. Washington D.C. certainly offers a bit more variety to the playable areas, sure. The gunplay is still solid as well, but there is very little that is actually new gameplay-wise compared to the Division 1.

Also, it is well known that this is a looter shooter, but the "endgame" (what you do once you complete the main storyline) consists of replaying the same story missions as before, but under the guise of a different "crew" of people taking over the world map, which you must then reclaim piece by piece. It results in a very tedious and pretty much uninteresting grind. I do have to hand it to the level designers and artists though, they did their best to make everything look great, just as they did in Division 1. The graphics look incredible on this game, even a few years after release!

The graphics in this game look great with a lot of attention to detail

PvP consists of Conflict mode, which includes only three maps: Georgetown, Capitol Ruins, and Stadium. It has two gametypes: Skirmish (basically TDM with about 15 respawns for each team, total) and Domination (an elimination gametype with about 4 or 5 rounds with no respawns in each round).

Conflict matches are often populated by very high level players

I will say that the recent Title Update for Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 that enabled 60 fps on console for the first time really made a huge difference. The menus, loading the map, and of course just general gameplay feel like butter now compared to before. A very huge difference, and for free!

I will be updating this review soon with some 4k screenshots and a bit more detail on a few things.


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added byblustrkr
March 20th, 2018