Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered

blustrkr's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered Review Xbox One, 10-20 hours played

Nothing too incredible about this remaster, besides of course bringing one of the most beloved entries in the series into the modern age. I played the hell out of this game back when the original version came out along with many of my friends. So, of course it'll be super nice to play. I've already just about wrapped up the campaign and have also sunk many hours into multiplayer again, despite Prestige'ing multiple times in the original. I gotta say, matchmaking is fast as ever which is always great.

If you LOVE the series or more importantly this game specifically, then this is probably something you should pick up.


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seriesCall of Duty
developerRaven Software
composerStephen Barton
release date NANovember 4th, 2016
user score8/10
M for Mature

added byblustrkr
March 29th, 2018