Assassin's Creed Odyssey

blustrkr's Assassin's Creed Odyssey Review Xbox Series X|S, 100+ hours played

After spending a lot of time with Origins, and now a lot of time with Odyssey, I can definitely say that they are both worth the playthrough! It's not exactly the classic Assassin's Creed experience, but I'm fine with that. In my opinion it was time for them to do some kind of twist with the series, especially with the rate at which they were pumping these games out for awhile there.

There are plenty of characters with personality to help immerse you in these ancient stories.

A lot of the gameplay and visuals in this game are similar to Origins, (with the visuals obviously being adapted for the Greek environment, rather than Egyptian) which isn't a bad thing in my opinion. I did feel like Ubisoft had it all fleshed out a little bit better than in Origins. It was nice to see much more foliage this time around, more than would be possible in a desert environment like Egypt. As usual with the series, it's easy to get lost in this era and forget you exist in the real world until you need a bathroom break. There are tons of characters with different personalities and unique dialog, so if you like lore and stories and conversations and such, you'll feel comfortable in AC Odyssey. I really enjoyed this and felt like it added to the story and experience.

The naval battles are back again - along with ship upgrades - and still as fun as ever.

One thing I must credit Ubisoft for, was there finally being some more variety with the quests. This was a complaint that I had with the AC series as a whole for a while now, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. The Mercenaries that roam around the map and hunt you (if you have a taste for crime, that is) also felt like a nice addition, and added plenty of content by themselves. I spent at least a couple hours just hunting some of them down for side quests, and just to assert my dominance to all of those NPCs out there.

As was the case in Origins, Odyssey has a trove of notable figures from history making appearances, like famous philosophers, politicians, socialites, generals, etc. For those interested in history, this is a great part of any Assassin's Creed game, and Odyssey is no exception.

Similar to other titles in the series, there's a huge area to explore...but this time, in Ancient Greece!

There's more than enough content to keep you busy for at least 50 hours if you do the side quests. If you are a completionist, you'll probably need another 20 hours or so. Some people criticize Ubisoft for making these games too big and long (yeah, seriously), but to me this is a great value. Tons of content for a lower price than many other games out there.

Meet important figures from the time of the famous Battle of 300 at Thermopylae.

My only complaint with this game is that although the freerunning is a bit smoother/faster than in Origins it still feels very dumbed down compared to the older games, which had an appeal to me personally. I would like to see something beyond just tapping a simple up or down button while running. The older games had some challenging moments that took advantage of that.

If you enjoyed Assassin's Creed Origins, then you'll definitely like this. If you like Action RPG games, you'll like this. If you like the ancient historical eras that AC always finds itself delving into, you will like this. I would say it's a good purchase to just about anyone out there!


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added byblustrkr
June 1st, 2018