HeyItMeSam's Disc Jam Review PC

My buddy and I picked this game up on sale after watching a few videos on it. We played both against each other and as a team online, and I really enjoyed all the games smooth and simple mechanics. I like the style of the game, and it is very fun to play with a friend you can communicate with. I tried playing online by myself and I couldn't find a way to voice chat, which made it difficult to play efficiently with a teammate. The graphics are good, it is also very easy to run the game I was getting 200+ fps. If you want a slightly competitive game to play with friends this is a very good option.


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release date NAMarch 7th, 2017
EUMarch 7th, 2017
user score9/10
E for Everyone

added byHeyItMeSam
September 13th, 2018