Bhdan's Deathloop Review PC, 10-20 hours played

DEATHLOOP, a game like no other.

It certainly had a lot to offer, but could it have offered more?
From my perspective, yes.

Deathloop was great, don't get me wrong, but i feel it focused too much on the pvp encounters to make the game more engaging and drawn out, and thus left the (quite literally) amazing and intriguing world feel lacking or shallow. Although there was a story progression along with side quests and (exotic?) weapon unlock quests, the overall game was short lived.

This game would've been game of the year (in my books) if they invested more in the pve/world/story mode instead of the pvp aspect. The pvp design was well made, but the world and zones the game offered were brilliant on their own, and could have offered much more quests and story depth. Overall i'd say its a game of great immersion and concepts but lacking depth due to overall committing to being a pvp long haul.
Whilst boasting possibly the best qualities from both Bioshock and Dishonoured series,i still think if this game actually committed to a full 30-50 + hours story arc in a world of the the map zones provided, It would have been a lot better.

That being said, it is still an amazingly awesome game, and very well built for what it is, I guess my only disappointment is that I wish it was longer.
Overall though, if you like shooters, a little psychological horror (minimal but still there), and a magical/fantasy aspect mixed in, this game will push your buttons.

For all I wished this game was more of, I still loved every part of what it was.


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release date NASeptember 14th, 2021
user score9/10
M for Mature

added byblustrkr
June 13th, 2020