ShftMksa's The Sims 3 Review PC

One of my favorite games to play as of today. The graphics are good, even compared to the 4th game. I really enjoy all the different things your Sim can do in the world, especially after a few expansion packs. Lots of different jobs, social activities, and different furniture/household items give the game tons of replay value. The build tools are also really in-depth and allow for a lot of creativity when building, including terrain editing and the like. My only real problem with the game is how heavy and clunky it is to run. It's difficult to play on an older/weaker computer, but if your machine is up to standard you should be ok. Overall an awesome game!


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release date NAJune 1st, 2009
user score8/10
T for Teen

added byDiagramOfTruth
April 16th, 2012