blustrkr's Destiny Review Xbox One

As an avid Halo player, I was very excited to see Bungie working on another project. I had my doubts when I had heard that they were teaming up with Activision. Well, the game turned out to be very solid in my opinion. The graphics still hold up easily against today's new games, the audio is great (Though I do miss Marty O'Donnell dearly), and I have never gotten the console to lag when playing the game. The optimization holds true to Bungie's reputation on this one; the polish really shows!

You can have up to three characters, which is great considering there are only three classes

In Destiny, there is one general motif throughout: Light vs Dark. Of course, as a good guy, you wield the Light. Basically, your regular human corpse was just chilling somewhere in Old Russia for many years, until a small AI-like device called a Ghost (also a wielder of Light) chose you as its Guardian and revived you. From this point forward you are a Light-wielder which comes with many powers. The Ghost was sent to you (and many other Guardians) by the Traveler, which is the giant orb/planetoid looking thing that hovers over Earth and protects it from the Darkness. It does so using its immense power of Light. The area underneath it is known as The Last City - the last metropolis of Earth surrounded by giant walls to keep the outside world, well, out.

There are several destinations in the Sol solar system to explore

The game was a little light on story to begin with. The setting and world are pretty interesting, but I do wish Bungie would have dived a little deeper into all of the lore. Some more cutscenes in-between missions would have been nice as well to let the player know what their role is, what they're accomplishing, etc.

The Tower is one of the shared social spaces where you can meet other players

My only real complaint with this game is that there wasn't enough content. Everything was great, down to the essential gunplay mechanics...there just wasn't enough of it! They fixed this problem with all of the subsequent DLC releases, but I still felt the core game could have launched with a bit more. For this reason I will dock two points from my score.

The Last City is worth protecting!

I love the persistent universe thing they have going on with this, and I can only hope they add more "MMO" elements to Destiny 2. I think it's awesome that you can just randomly stumble upon other players in the world and spontaneously team up to complete public events.

Overall, great purchase!


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added byblustrkr
January 18th, 2015