blustrkr's Gears of War 4 Review Xbox One

I've gotta say, a comparison I often use with this game is that The Coalition carried on the torch much better than 343 did with Halo 4 and 5.

The graphics are quite pleasant to look at, and I hope some of you happen to check out some of my screenshots cause some of them do a really good job of showing off the visuals.

The single player picks up with JD Fenix, Marcus Fenix's son. JD will now be the main character of the series and is the character you control throughout the game. To be honest, at the time of writing I don't remember too much of the campaign but I remember really enjoying it. I will definitely update this review when I go through the campaign again. By the way, it does feature split screen co-op which is super awesome.

The online multiplayer is a lot of fun like always. Easily my favorite mode is King of the Hill, because it's much better for grinding and leveling up. Otherwise, I just feel like the rounds/matches are too short for my taste. One super super huge plus for me in this game is the support for cross-platform play. Like seriously, this is a huge deal. Not many games - and it frustrates the hell out of me - support this feature and I can't understand why. What's awesome is that this vastly increases the player pool for players trying to get into some multiplayer action, which means finding matches and getting into games very quickly. And of course, I don't even have to mention that it could allow you to play with a friend that does not share the same console.

Horde mode has been upgraded yet again. For example, you use a Fabricator now and your base is kind of set up around that. There are many more options as far as defenses and things like that go, and of course multiple levels of each. You can also have Horde skills, which kind of give the game mode a class-based feel. I dig it! The boss waves can get pretty intense at times, as some of the new enemies introduced in this game are pretty much giant damage sponges. I'm looking at you, Pouncers!


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added byblustrkr
January 21st, 2017