HeyItMeSam's Gears of War 4 Review PC

So to begin I have always heard the insane amount of hype around this franchise from so many people. One of those people is my favorite content creator across YouTube & Twitch, GoldGloveTV. I had not played any of the previous games but I saw this go on sale for $20 and had to pick it up. This review will be solely on the multiplayer aspect of the game. The game supports cross platform, for me that is a big must for games in 2018 especially if you want your game to stay active. I usually play King of the Hill or Team Death match, I can find a game within 1-3 minutes on PC and I may occasionally get in a lobby with 1 other PC player. The game has insanely beautiful graphics and a very easily navigated menu system. Players on console have the same skill set as pc as far as I have seen, and the games are always very close. The level up aspect is slow but i like that, it allows players to enjoy a longer life span of the game. If you want a very competitive game with a semi toxic community then Gears is for you. Just don't come yelling at me when you do 99 in 1 to somebody with your Gnasher.


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added byblustrkr
January 21st, 2017