HeyItMeSam's Fortnite Review PC

(This review is for the free to play mode Fortnight Battle Royal.)

Fortnight faced quite the challenge when it released this year pitting itself against already popular games like H1Z1 and PUBG. However the execution could not have been better, they evaluated what was wrong with it's competitors games and made changes to their game before it's release. Fornight is already updated with features past H1Z1 and PUBG combined and is so well optimized, something i can't say about the other two. Best of all it's FREE TO PLAY! It may not bring the most realistic combat experience but that's not their goal. Their goal is to bring a fast paced fully destructible environment with building mechanics to a battle royal game. They succeeded, making the best Battle Royal game this year. It's free to play and not dependent on micro-transaction to keep it running. Fantastic game and one i would highly recommend.


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added byblustrkr
July 12th, 2017