The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

blustrkr's The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Review Xbox One, 2-5 hours played

Still working on this game (it's quite a long one), but so far I'm very impressed. I will continually update this review as I progress through the game. At the moment, no complaints...

The graphics are amazing, even almost three years later. Still very impressed with how everything looks each time I play it. I love the lighting effects especially; one place they really pop is when you're running through a wooded area...the shadow detail is quite noteworthy. There some lens flare effects when looking near light sources like the Sun, and they are not at all overdone. Nice subtle detail. And of course the wide variety of colors are awesome.

Even on years old Xbox One hardware, the game looks great, especially in motion!

There's more than enough things to do. The beautiful landscapes are quite expansive, littered with not only main story quests but also tons of side quests involving witcher contracts (with paid rewards once the beasts are slain), monster nests (which you must destroy), abandoned areas (which you must clear so that people may return safely), etc. I like the way they've done this because you can continue along with the main story if you'd like, but at any time (thanks to the open-world setup) you can mix it up with some secondary quests or witcher contracts or treasure hunts. Each mission is different enough so that it is not simply "go to location X and kill Y amount of Z monsters." There are a nice variety of things to do.

Many NPCs in towns have tasks or side quests for you to complete, each with their own recorded dialogue.


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added byblustrkr
July 19th, 2017