blustrkr's Destiny: Rise of Iron Review Xbox One

This expansion was easily one of the most loved from D1, alongside The Taken King of course. Learning about the formation of the Iron Lords, the origin of Lord Saladin, and the SIVA crisis was all some pretty badass lore. It helps make the Iron Banner a bit more significant, for me at least.

The Plaguelands are cold and snowy. The rest of Destiny is very beautiful, but this is a nice change!

It also helped out with endgame content quite a bit as it introduced more difficult enemies in the Plaguelands, a new playable area on Earth. It was essentially an extension of the Cosmodrome area. I do enjoy me a nice casual roam around Old Russia from time to time.

There are some new enemies, including a Splicer mutation

As I refresh my memory on this expansion by playing more, I will gladly fill this in with more details.


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release date NASeptember 19th, 2016
user score9/10
added byblustrkr
July 19th, 2017