Latdogg's Final Fantasy XV Review Xbox One

I have been a huge Final Fantasy fan for many years. I played the original on NES, however, the first one I REALLY got sucked into was Final Fantasy IV (FF II in the US).

FF XV is visually stunning. I have the Xbox One X and I spend most of my time just exploring and taking screenshots. The music is top notch as well and if you're familiar with past FF games this shouldn't come at any surprise. I especially like that you can play soundtracks from past games as you cruise around the giant world map.

The battle system took me awhile to get used to and I am still learning it. It isn't like the normal turn-based combat, it is more open and fluid. It is pretty fun once you get the hang of it.

Gearing is a bit strange, I am probably not knowledgeable yet on how to do it or find good gear but I will get there. The story of this game is great though. Skills and such are upgraded manually via a FF X-type sphere grid system. I am not a total fan of this but it doesn't take away from the game. I have a LONG ways to go as I just completed Chapter 4. So far it is amazing though. I also watched the movie that was released that takes place before the game just to give me some bearing.

The story seems rushed and incomplete. Once you beat the base game you will see many plot holes that were not filled. Some character arches will just end....with no explanation. You will need to purchase the DLC packs for total closure I hear. Unfortunate that the game was essentially released unfinished.

Overall I say give this game a go if you have not already (I am a few years late to the party). I love Final Fantasy and this game is for sure satisfying.


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added byblustrkr
August 12th, 2017