Inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft, an American writer of weird, science, fantasy, and horror fiction. He is best known for his creation of the Cthulhu Mythos.

Lovecraftian Games

The Sinking City
In the 1920s, on the East Coast of the United States, the half-submerged city of Oakmont is gripped by supernatural forces...developed & published by Frogwares
released 4 years ago
Call of Cthulhu
1924. Private Investigator Pierce is sent to look into the tragic death of the Hawkins family. Plunge into a world of creeping..developed by Cyanide
published by Focus Home Interactive
released 5 years ago
A reverse horror game in which you assume the role of an amorphous creature of unknown origins, stalking and consuming those that..developed by Phobia Game Studio
published by Devolver Digital
released 3 years ago
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